AWS Wavelength extends Zone into Seoul, highlighting rapid expansion

Amazon Web Service (AWS) announced its second AWS Wavelength Zone in South Korea, this time in the capital city Seoul, highlighting AWS’ global expansion plans for edge computing services located on the edge of telco networks.
The Seoul AWS Wavelength Zone will be embedding compute and storage service on the edge of SK Telecom’s 5G network. It is the second AWS Wavelength Zone in South Korea, after its Daejeon location.
Beside South Korea, AWS Wavelength operates in Canada with Bell for a public multi-access edge computing service; in American cities like Boston and San Francisco; and Britain, Germany, and Japan.
Verizon and AWS expanded the US-based footprint for AWS Wavelength Zones with new locations added in Nashville, TN and Tampa, FLA for a total of 19 zones. Wavelength nodes are housed within facilities on Verizon’s 5G network.
AWS relationships with telcos for edge computing services highlights a conundrum faced by communication service providers with constraints on their R&D budgets. A market study from TM Forum covers CSPs’ efforts to transform into tech companies with software development efforts, but notes they can’t match the massive R&D spending of companies like AWS. Partnerships are higlighted as a key strategy for bringing new services to market.
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AWS | KT | public edge cloud | telco