New Wiliot kit to make ambient IoT technology accessible for experiments

Wiliot, a company that provides IoT solutions, has introduced a new kit to enable real-time sensing and traceability. The Wiliot Innovation Kit allows users to explore and develop solutions using Ambient IoT technology across various industries, the company says. The hardware platform provides a hands-on experience with Wiliot’s IoT platform and IoT Pixels, which are postage-stamp-sized computers capable of sensing temperature, location, and more.
According to Wiliot, Ambient IoT is a compact and cost-effective 3GPP IoT device compared to previous generations of IoT. Ambient IoT technology uses radio waves as its energy source. It significantly contributes to the cost-efficient technologies used in tracking, monitoring, and management-based IoT applications.
“We’re illuminating what was once in the dark by providing companies with actionable insights – and the status of every product at every moment – and the implications are profound,” said Thadious Fisher, the vice president of Global Channels at Wiliot. “With real-time sensing and product lifecycle traceability, food is safer and fresher, medicine is more secure, and goods and assets are easily located.”
The Wiliot innovation kit includes the company’s cloud IoT platform that converts raw sensor data into actionable insights. The platform employs machine learning algorithms to train and adapt over time and provide an effective way to address supply chain issues.
The Wiliot cloud IoT platform receives raw sensor information through the chips embedded inside Wiliot IoT Pixels. They send encrypted and authenticated packets over the air while the cloud platform decrypts and authenticates the data for processing.
Wiliot believes that with the release of its new kit, users will have access to the tools to create intelligent and connected applications in various industries. Some of these industries include reusable packaging, apparel, pharmaceuticals and food.
Wiliot was recognized as a Cool Vendor in Gartner’s 2022 report on vendors in indoor location technologies and sensors.
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Article Topics
ambient computing | IoT | sensor | Wiliot | wireless