Automating the Edge with Robotics

Deutsche Telekom launches open platform for the Internet of Things

Deutsche Telekom launches open platform for the Internet of Things

Deutsche Telekom has announced plans to radically simplify the complex Internet of Things via a unique platform that brings all players together, including developers, operators, partners and suppliers. According to the announcement, this “hub” will be the new industry meeting place for the Internet of Things.

The company notes the most important goal of the initiative is to make access and operation of an increasingly heterogeneous IoT ecosystem as simple and manageable as possible. Transparency instead of complexity, with standards and open interfaces is what Deutsche Telekom says is its response to the most urgent demand in the world of IoT.

The new industry environment brings together the complete range of important elements that are essential for IoT solutions: connectivity, devices, cloud services and solutions for data analysis. The marketplace features a diverse partner portfolio that offers customers flexibility and simplifies the setup and operation of individual IoT solutions. It also drastically reduces the development time from individual customer solutions to market readiness.

“With the new “hub” for IoT we are exploiting the full potential of the Internet of Things,” explains Rami Avidan, responsible for Deutsche Telekom’s IoT business. “The amalgamation of all IoT solutions into one framework provides a business environment that is unique to date. With this, Deutsche Telekom is establishing the world’s first open IoT network and expanding its role from IoT player to IoT orchestrator.”

The launch is planned for the second half of 2020 and the IoT hub will be continuously expanded. Deutsche Telekom invites partners and customers to test the new IoT environment.

Spin-off of IoT business

With the spin-off of the Deutsche Telekom IoT business into an independent GmbH effective July 1, 2020, Deutsche Telekom aims to accelerate its market entry. Competitors in the IoT environment are particularly agile and have lean decision-making structures. The independent Deutsche Telekom IoT GmbH (DT IoT) is intended to strengthen Deutsche Telekom’s position in this growth market.

“As an independent company, we are more agile and can better address the fast-moving IoT market,” comments Rami Avidan, CEO of Deutsche Telekom IoT GmbH. The newly founded DT IoT will have end-to-end responsibility for the entire IoT business at Deutsche Telekom.

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