Structure Research to host annual infra/Structure Summit 2022 in Toronto

Structure Research, an independent research and consulting firm with a special focus on the Internet infrastructure market, presents its Annual infra / STRUCTURE Summit Toronto 2022 conference to be held September 14-15, 2022 at Vantage Venues in Toronto, Canada.
infra / STRUCTURE is an exclusive industry summit that brings together executives from across the Internet infrastructure ecosystem – hyperscale, cloud, data center, edge and managed hosting – for high-value networking and discussion about the industry’s status and future directions. This year, the conference theme is acceleration – focusing on how the sector is pushing into a new stage of growth, powered by next-generation products and services. Attendees can expect frank discussion and debates, forward-looking projections and market share research and data.
As an independent research and consulting firm, Structure Research provides a vendor-neutral event that brings together the key pieces of the value chain including operators, developers, end users, suppliers and financiers. Structure Research built infra / STRUCTURE for Internet infrastructure executives to network, learn and get business done all against the backdrop of third party research and data.
The Annual infra / STRUCTURE Summit event connects the infrastructure services sector, offering cloud and data centre executives a chance to stay informed and participate in the industry’s latest conversations. The 2022 agenda features speaking appearances from expert industry minds such as James Buie, President and CEO of Involta; Jon Thomsen, CEO of Atmosera; Jonathan Seelig, Co-Founder of Ridge, Adam Lewis, Managing Director of DH Capital, Kurt Daniel, CEO of Ubersmith; Jeff Ferry, Director of Goldman Sachs, Sandy McMurty, VP of Interconnection Strategy of QTS; Zachary Smith, Global Head of Edge Infrastructure of Equinix, Andy Stewart, CEO of Evoque Data Centers; and Chris Street, Head of Data Centres of JLL.
This year’s infra / STRUCTURE Summit includes two days of exclusive expert and analyst presentations along with networking opportunities for 2022 sponsors and attendees.
“Structure Research introduced infra / STRUCTURE to focus on the disruptive nature of hyperscale cloud and how it is shaping the internet infrastructure on a global basis. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, the trends around hyperscale, decentralization and convergence continue to push forward at an accelerated pace. We look forward to hosting another event of collaboration, learning, and networking,” notes Philbert Shih, Managing Director of Structure Research.
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