Edge World Summit 2024

Edge World Summit 2024
2-3 April, 2024
Computer History Museum, Silicon Valley, CA
Every time, a new device connects to the Internet, a new platform is built. when we connected the PC to the Internet, the industry invented Cloud Computing to enable SaaS and social media. When we connected the smartphone to the Internet, IOS and Android enabled a new class of applications running on the phone, enabling quasi-real-time contextual and situational insights. Now the industry connects devices to the internet and enables Edge As A Service Applications.
Mobile Applications, SaaS, and Social Media as industries are trillion-dollar-plus industries, and Edge As A Service Applications are poised to become as massive start-up opportunities will be built leveraging this new trend. Edge As a Service applications companies will be built and scaled differently than traditional SaaS and Cloud companies. KPIs for venture rounds will be different. Edge As a Service is currently taking many shapes and sizes and affecting all industries differently.
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