Automating the Edge with Robotics

Articles By Chris Burt

Chris Burt is the managing editor of Biometric Update. He has also written nonfiction about information technology, dramatic arts, sports culture, and fantasy basketball, as well as fiction about a doomed astronaut. He lives in Toronto. You can follow him on Twitter @AFakeChrisBurt.

Edge computing continues to play a key role in an increasing number of biometric applications involving various modalities. New processors,…

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ID R&D liveness detection mitigates demographic bias in edge AI, independent test shows

An independent evaluation of demographic bias in ID R&D’s biometric facial liveness detection product has been performed by BixeLab and…


Oosto boosts lineup with Vision AI edge appliance for video analytics, facial recognition

Oosto has launched a new appliance for edge-based video analytics and facial recognition to transform the total cost of ownership…


Edge AI platform coming from Brainchip, Socionext partnership

Brainchip and video and imaging technology-maker Socionext Inc. have partnered to offer a reference design for edge applications such as…


From the cloud to the mist: Aerendir CEO on controlled identity data and edge AI

Even as artificial intelligence, biometrics and the internet of things become part of our everyday lives, tech has a big…


GSMA launches Edge Cloud initiative to build telecom platform for harnessing assets

The GSMA has launched an initiative with a broad coalition of participants to build an interoperable edge cloud platform for…


MobiledgeX updates platform, partners up to help telecoms and service providers leverage edge

MobiledgeX has launched a new version of its edge integration platform to enable the deployment of location-specific services with the…


Data centers intend to upgrade but not prepared for current needs, let alone edge computing and 5G

Data centers are planning upgrades, but current facilities are meeting current business needs in a mere 29 percent of cases,…


OpenStack advances edge cloud platform with new version of StarlingX

A new open cloud platform update promises to simplify edge workload deployments that leverage distributed infrastructure. Version 3.0 of StarlingX…


StackPath and Fastly launch offerings to connect CDNs to cloud

A pair of technology providers have launched tools to help developers efficiently build and manage edge and next-generation infrastructure leveraging…

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