Automating the Edge with Robotics

Webinar: Telco edge cloud automation at scale

Webinar: Telco edge cloud automation at scale
November 14 2023, 12:00pm EST
Duration: 60 mins – Online 

Speakers: Serdar Vural, Telco Product Manager at Canonical, Pedro Oliveira, Senior Solutions Architect at Spectro Cloud

Edge clouds are one of the main building blocks of modern telecom infrastructure, bringing performance and cost-efficiency to telecom systems, and better user experience in network services. By deploying cloud computing capabilities closer to where users and end-devices are located, a telco operator can run its services more effectively, benefiting from reduced latency in delivering services to consumer devices and business systems. Furthermore, edge computing capabilities enabled at an edge cloud bring a plethora of business applications to users and devices running on cloud-native environments as micro services.

Kubernetes systems provide modern cloud-native execution environments for software applications, and are getting increasingly more popular in the telco sector in recent years, thanks to their self-healing and container orchestration capabilities. The flexibility and scalability of kubernetes makes it ideal for micro-services based 5G mobile networks, and multi-access edge computing (MEC) applications.

Join us to find out how you can address common challenges, such as: Bare metal automation at scale to reduce operational costs and deployments times Meeting security compliance requirements such as timely security patches, confined execution spaces, and tenant isolation A repeatable pattern in deployments and centralised management.

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