Automating the Edge with Robotics

Deepfence’s ThreatMapper platform comes to Cox Edge, offering visibility for security

Deepfence’s ThreatMapper platform comes to Cox Edge, offering visibility for security

Cox Edge, a full stack edge computing and services provider, has partnered with Deepfence to improve security and compliance for its customers.

Deepfence is a leading provider of security solutions for the cloud and container environments. It offers a comprehensive suite of products that helps businesses protect their data and infrastructure from threats.

As the world becomes more digitized, the need for reliable and secure edge computing solutions is greater than ever. Deepfence says that traditional security monitoring solutions are often not up to the task of providing the level of visibility and protection businesses need to operate safely and securely in today’s environment.

The Deepfence platform, ThreatMapper, can now be deployed with any compute service ( containers, virtual machines, and Kubernetes) provided by Cox Edge. ThreatMapper is a public and edge cloud platform that allows organizations to scan, map, and rank vulnerabilities in runtime containers, images, hosts, and repositories.

Deepfence says the ThreatMapper platform offers several benefits for Cox customers, including the ability to:

  • Immediately know their risk posture
  • Prioritize threats by severity and CVSS score
  • Understand where their architecture is vulnerable and where attack paths are open
  • Align security teams with development teams to ensure maximum risk coverage

More specifically, the platform gives companies a complete overview of their infrastructure, from the cloud layer to individual processes on containers and hosts. With Deepfence, companies can monitor any new infrastructure that gets brought up and immediately know its risk posture. This is critical for companies that want to keep their operations secure and compliant.

Integrating the attack surface with runtime indicators of compromise (IoC), indicators of attack (IoA) and architecture,  Deepfence can pinpoint vulnerable architecture and identify active exploitable attack paths. By prioritizing threats based on severity and CVSS and exploitability in the attack lifecycle, DevOps teams can focus limited resources on areas with the greatest risk to the business, protecting sensitive data more effectively.

ThreatMapper can also combine various scanning features, such as secret scanning, runtime SBOMs, and compliance scanning. This gives enterprises insight into the risk and compliance posture of their assets.

Cox enterprise customers will also have the option to upgrade to Deepfence’s ThreatStryker platform, which provides additional security features. The new ThreatStryker software includes access to cloud-native protection features, such as packet and network filtering and workload firewalling. This gives businesses deeper levels of security enforcement and allows them to better combat zero-day attacks. In addition, the software will help prevent lateral damage or spread.


This new partnership is an excellent move for both Cox and Deepfence. Cox Edge gains access to Deepfence’s ThreatMapper platform, which will give its customers better visibility into their risk posture — an especially important consideration as applications and IT architectures become more distributed and ephemeral. It will also help them align their security teams with their development teams. Deepfence, on the other hand, gets to extend its reach into the edge computing market. This is a win-win for both companies and should help them better serve their customers.

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