Automating the Edge with Robotics

Ridge taps into $22M round for Kubernetes-ready edge cloud service

Ridge taps into $22M round for Kubernetes-ready edge cloud service

Ridge, a startup that provides an edge cloud service that is optimized for Kubernetes-based architectures, has raised $22m in venture capital. The company announced the Series B round funding was led by Gigi Levy-Weiss at NFX. NFX participated in the Series A and seed rounds as well.

Ridge has raised a total of $44M to date, according to data from Crunchbase. NFX participated in the Series A and seed rounds as well. Mayfield, Slow Ventures, and Viola also contributed to latest investment round.

Co-founder Jonathan Seelig also co-founded Akamai, a CDN service provider that was the first globally distributed compute platform.

Ridge is not a CDN, however; instead, the company aims to offer a scalable edge cloud for cloud-native workloads for customers needing enhanced application performance and global data sovereignty.

As Ridge told EdgeIR in an interview in 2021, the fully managed Kubernetes service is powered by a global data center network of top-tier service providers for wide geographic distribution.

The company said it has deployed its technology in “hundreds” of data centers at companies such as T-Systems, NTT and INAP.

“Ridge is basically extending cloud services to locations where there is a gap in public cloud coverage, or to applications for which a public cloud is not a great fit; both of those scenarios are growing,” said Gigi Levy-Weiss, General Partner at NFX said in a statement. “We believe that Ridge will accelerate deployments and enable companies to develop a new generation of innovative and exciting apps,” he added.

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